Saturday, February 23, 2013
Once you are aware of ‘I Am’ consciousness, leave everything apart. ‘I’ may reveal as soul or witness; or in limited aspect as Mr.SK or a Hindu or a professional, so and so many, are the encrustations upon ‘I’ that disturb its transparency. ‘I Am’ is an affirmation of God to Himself. Do not stick to words and do not form any concept. ‘I Am’ is the same affirmation in everything, human or animal or sentient being, atomic or sub-atomic particle. Nobody gave ‘I Am’, not even our parents, for, It Is. No one can create It nor segregate from Its Source, That alone Is. It is not personal. This life provides an opportunity to purify ‘I’ and remove all the projections thrust upon It owing to the ignorance and restore Its pristine Glory, Majesty and Freedom. We are not learning but trying to realize the affirmation made by ‘I Am’. ‘I’/pure Consciousness/Absolute Existence is God Himself alone and nothing else exists.
We live only in the present. We can never live in the future. We can never live in the past either. They are mere concepts in the mind, thoughts. It is not so easy to grasp the present also. It is so slippery, like a ball of mercury on the floor. The present also, when you think of it, will slip away from you. Without space and time, there is no existence or non-existence of the world. To think of existence or non-existence, or even to think of God, there must be time. And that time has disappeared by your own analysis. Then where are we now? Who are we now? Let the mind dwell on this point. Think, it will become clear. We are timeless and nameless experience of Pure Consciousness. When there is no time, where is the question of birth, death, existence, all that we speak of. The world exists in space and time. It is, rather, the pure awareness, which is the Self of all. A man is, therefore, not a man, but Consciousness masquerading as a man. A tree is not really a tree, but Consciousness appearing as a tree. This is the case with all objects without any exception. Therefore, our vision has to be reversed. To most of the people, this will sound very strange, fantastic, if not nonsensical. The meditation prescribed is called ‘neti, neti’; ‘not this, not this’, method of reflection. Through this reflection the whole world – including one’s own body, the subtle senses, the mind, the intellect and the ego, which are mistaken for the Self – is eliminated as not real ‘I’. This meditation removes the root cause of this malady of ours, which stems from ignorance of the Truth. ……………Om!
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Namaskar, Thank you!