Saturday, February 23, 2013

In one day, the three states go on rotating, exchanging; one giving place to the other. In waking state, I identify myself with this body. In dream state, I forget about this body and the world and am with another body for some time. And in deep sleep state, I remain without the body where I do not put the questions, nor entertain any desire, nor experience any dream, but enjoy pure and unalloyed bliss. And after enjoying the bliss of deep sleep, I again come to either the waking or dream state. So, how much confusion is there. Either I am this body, or the dream body, or without body. What is it that does not change in all the three states! It is the ‘I’ who is without body. What is that ‘I’? All problems will dissolve when you find that out. The ‘I’ in your deep sleep is not different than the ‘I’ in my deep sleep. Is the ‘I’ different on the basis of cast, color or creed or in any way? No. That is so of all beings, including animals, birds, insects, atoms and sub-atomic particles. Now, if you ask a question, “who is to realize or who is the dreamer”, this ‘who’ is not there. Does it come in deep sleep? Was there a ‘who’ there? You were there, sure. This is the clue. ‘I’ of deep sleep is the witness during waking and dreaming states, but in deep sleep does ‘I’ remain a witness? If it is a witness then it is definitely different from that what is witnessed! Who is there in deep sleep to be witnessed? What have you understood by the epithet ‘dream’? Does anything happen there? Nothing happens in Real. So is the case with waking state ‘I’ is, similarly, a witness too. You ARE the real witness, so, you cannot see Him. The supposed projections of ‘I’ is an activity of you as individual, a creation of ego. But ‘I’ remain unaffected. He alone is in this world. ‘I’ is The pure Existence-Consciousness-Bliss-Absolute, during all the three states, whether it is deep sleep without the appearance of the world including one’s own individual personality, or the two dream states where there seems to be an appearance of the world including one’s individual personality. The ‘I’ is like the water of the ocean of Consciousness whether the ocean is calm or with waves and ripples. God is Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient. All the three states are pervaded by Him only. In the state of deep sleep or Super-consciousness, He embraces Himself. He only is and nothing else. Your world is He. ‘Thou art That’. ................OM SHANTI!

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