Wednesday, June 12, 2019

How Desires Arise

The soul for the purpose of ensuing subject is not the Universal Soul; it is rather the bound soul and no one can be bound unless there is a concentralisation of desire at a spatio-temporal point. Why a child does choose only one particular set of parents, out of endless number? It is desire that is born, not a child. The human being is a shape taken by a mass of desires. Universal Consciousness arranges itself into a point of concentration and finitises itself. As from a huge conflagration several sparks shot out which are the individuals. But unfortunately, each spark asserted individuality of its own. Desire is the nature of the soul that incarnates, but desire is nothing but to fulfil a need; an unfulfilled desire is a malady. This point of desire has lost everything by disconnecting itself from the Universal Being; as if a person who has lost everything, wants everything, in a negative way. You have lost the Infinite and therefore now you want an infinite desire to fulfil itself through contact with numberless finite objects. But numberless finites put together do not make Infinite. Uncontrollable is desire because we have made a mistake in imagining that nature is outside us. 
All different desires are but modifications of one desire alone. The different desires are only the different means adopted for the fulfilment of one single desired end which is Absolute Bliss. We do not want to be partially happy and partially unhappy because such happiness has no meaning. We want absolute happiness and peace, so it is termed as ‘Absolute Bliss'. Bliss is the culmination of all our struggle with the life; with the world or with the universe, whatever we call it. Our innermost being is also seeking God as a matter of spirituality and substantially, these two apparently opposite quests are not different in nature. The ‘outside-ness’ and the ‘within-ness’ have been created because of the body consciousness. Therefore, the Bliss that we are longing for and the notion of God are the same thing and identical. ...Hari Om!

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