Tuesday, July 6, 2010

No any other word ever puzzled me as the term “development”. It’s so because everyone used this term according to his own whim, without ever trying to know what really development means! I saw the development of industries leaving behind the people to inhale poisonous gases and to consume polluted water. I heard of the development of a particular group or class, leaving behind strife struck society with mutual hatred and mistrust. I watched the development of science and found myself cornered by missiles and nuclear bombs. Development in one field ignored other, resulting imbalance of pace and harmony. Things are developed sometimes after devastation and sometimes devastation follows “development”. Sometimes development resembles growth in body cells i.e. cancer! We failed to assimilate, synthesize and integrate various facets of “development”, leading to our tragedy. If “development” bleeds and people bear the brunt, let them live thousand years back when they used to touch their hands and feel the rhythm of hearts in case of calamity. In fact, the term development has become convenient justification, for some influential people and organizations, to carry out sneaking objectives and brinkmanship. This term was never construed in its wholesome. Development is the expression of human life and life cannot be treated in fractions. In the name of development, agriculture, forests, rivers, wild life as well as environment are being ruined. We shall have to give up the aberrative concept of development lest we should hand over imperiled legacy to our coming generation.

1 comment:

  1. True, the more 'developed' we are becoming, unrest and strife is also increasing.So, unless the soul is at peace, no development has achieved its 'true' purpose.
    For example, despite the development in modes of communication of all all kinds, people today have become emotionally 'distant' from others. When the will or desire to truly communicate is not there, then what is the purpose of those modes of communication.

    It seems that the modes of communication are merely there to make life easier and more convenient , not 'richer' in the true sense.
    True communication can make life enriching'.
